We are pleased to announce that our novel genome assembler “Platanus-allee” has now been launched. Platanus-allee is an assembler derived from Platanus assembler, however, it was developed with another concept. Platanus-allee tries to construct each haplotype sequence from the beginning and pair them as homologous chromosomes, while Platanus constructs consensus sequence of homologous chromosomes at first and tries to split into each haplotype sequence. Therefore, Platanus-allee marks better performance for highly heterozygous species genome or highly diverged genomic regions. However, for low heterozygous species genome (as a guide < 1.0 %), Platanus assembler would mark better performance than Platanus-allee. This may be caused by the sequence coverage for the target sequence. Platanus-allee targets each haplotype, therefore, simply speaking, it requires a double number of reads.
The latest version is 2.2.2. (Jan. 2020)
To cite Platanus-allee, please use the following:
Kajitani R, Yoshimura D, Okuno M, Minakuchi Y, Kagoshima H, Fujiyama A, Kubokawa K, Kohara Y, Toyoda A, Itoh T, “Platanus-allee is a de novo haplotype assembler enabling a comprehensive access to divergent heterozygous regions”. Nature Communications 10 Article number: 1702 (2019). doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09575-2. [full text]
Platanus-allee is a de novo haplotype assembler (phasing tool), which assembles each haplotype sequence in a diploid genome. Compared to the read mapping-based haplotype phasing tools, Platanus-allee is especially useful to analyze highly divergent (heterozygous) regions in which haplotypes extremely differ. This tool requires at least one Illumina library and can accept Illumina mate-pairs, PacBio/Oxford-Nanopore long reads, and 10X linked-reads. In addition to the haplotype phasing function, Platanus-allee can construct consensus sequences (pseudo haploid genome), which have mosaic structures of haplotypes (i.e., maternal and paternal haplotypes are mixed) and can be used as the conventional “draft genome”. Note that Platanus-allee was previously called “Platanus2” and renamed according to emphasize the difference from Platanus, which is the tool to assemble consensus sequences of haplotypes.
- ## Version 2.2.2 (12 Jan. 2020)
* Fixed a bug.
* missassemble numbers are reduced. - ## Version 2.0.2 (22 Jan. 2019)
* Fixed a bug.
* gzip files are accepted.
- ## Version 2.0.1 (17 Aug. 2018)
* Fixed a bug causing the segmentation fault in gap_close.
* The result is the same as that of Version 2.0.0 if it finishes a process. - ## Version 2.0.0 (9 Jul. 2018)
* The version used to write the manuscript (under review).
* Initial release as an executable file for Linux x86_64.
- v.2.2.2 Linux 64 bit binary (precompiled)Download
- v.2.2.2 source code Download
- Test data set for v.2.2. Download
- v.2.0.2 Linux 64 bit binary (precompiled)Download
- v.2.0.2 source code Download
- v.2.0.1 Linux 64 bit binary (precompiled)Download
- Minimap2
- https://github.com/lh3/minimap2
- Only required to use PacBio/Oxford-Nanopore long reads.
- Long Ranger
- https://support.10xgenomics.com/genome-exome/software/pipelines/latest/what-is-long-ranger
- Only required to prepare 10X linked-reads input (barcoded.fastq).
- Illumina paired-end: PE_1.fq PE_2.fq (mandatory)
- Illumina mate-pair : MP_1.fq MP_2.fq (optional)
- PacBio long reads : PacBio.fq (optional)
- 10X linked-reads : 10X_barcoded.fq (optional)
platanus_allee assemble -f PE_1.fq PE_2.fq 2>assemble.log
platanus_allee phase \
-c out_contig.fa out_junctionKmer.fa \
-IP1 PE_1.fq PE_2.fq \
-OP2 MP_1.fq MP_2.fq \
-p PacBio.fq \
-x 10X_barcoded.fq \
2>phase.logplatanus_allee consensus \
-c out_primaryBubble.fa out_nonBubbleHomoCandidate.fa \
-IP1 PE_1.fq PE_2.fq \
-OP2 MP_1.fq MP_2.fq \
-p PacBio.fq -x 10X_barcoded.fq \
-x 10X_barcoded.fq \
Final output
Misc. output
Contig assembly usage
platanus_allee assemble [OPTIONS] 2>log
-o STR : prefix of output files (default out, length <= 200)
-f FILE1 [FILE2 …] : reads file (fasta or fastq, number <= 100)
-k INT : initial k-mer size (default 32)
-K FLOAT : maximum-k-mer factor (maximum-k = FLOAT*readlength, default 0.5)
-s INT : step size of k-mer extension (>= 1, default 20)
-n INT : initial k-mer coverage cutoff (default 0, 0 means auto)
-c INT : minimum k-mer coverage (default 2)
-a FLOAT : k-mer extension safety level (default 10.0)
-u FLOAT : maximum difference for bubble crush (identity, default 0)
-d FLOAT : maximum difference for branch cutting (coverage ratio, default 0.5)
-e FLOAT : k-mer coverage depth (k = initial k-mer size specified by -k) of homozygous region (default auto)
-t INT : number of threads (<= 100, default 1)
-m INT : memory limit for making kmer distribution (GB, >=1,default 16)
-tmp DIR : directory for temporary files (default .)
PREFIX is specified by -o
Haplotype phasing usage
platanus_allee phase [OPTIONS] 2>log
-o STR : prefix of output file and directory (do not use “/”, default out, length <= 200)
-c FILE1 [FILE2 …] : contig (or scaffold) file (fasta format)
-ip{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 …] : lib_id inward_pair_file (interleaved file, fasta or fastq)
-IP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 …] : lib_id inward_pair_files (separate forward and reverse files, fasta or fastq)
-op{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 …] : lib_id outward_pair_file (interleaved, fasta or fastq)
-OP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 …] : lib_id outward_pair_files (separate forward and reverse files, fasta or fastq)
-p PAIR1 [PAIR2 …] : long-read file (PacBio, Nanopore) (fasta or fastq)
-x PAIR1 [PAIR2 …] : linked-reads files (paired-ends, 10x Genomics) (interleaved, fasta or fastq)
-X FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 …] : linked-reads files (paired-ends, 10x Genomics) (separate forward and reverse files, fasta or fastq)
-i INT : number of iterations (default 2)
-l INT : minimum number of links to scaffold (default 3)
-k INT : minimum number of links to phase variants (default 1)
-t INT : number of threads (default 1)
-tmp DIR : directory for temporary files (default .)
-mapper FILE : path of mapper executable file (default minimap2, only effective with -p option)
-minimap2_sensitive : sensitive mode for minimap2 (default, off; only effective with -p option)
PREFIX_intermediateResults (directory)
PREFIX is specified by -o
Consensus scaffold construction usage
platanus_allee consensus [OPTIONS] 2>log
-o STR : prefix of output file (default out, length <= 200)
-c FILE1 [FILE2 …] : contig_file (fasta format)
-ip{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 …] : lib_id inward_pair_file (interleaved file, fasta or fastq)
-IP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 …] : lib_id inward_pair_files (separate forward and reverse files, fasta or fastq)
-op{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 …] : lib_id outward_pair_file (interleaved, fasta or fastq)
-OP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 …] : lib_id outward_pair_files (separate forward and reverse files, fasta or fastq)
-p PAIR1 [PAIR2 …] : long-read file (PacBio, Nanopore) (fasta or fastq)
-x PAIR1 [PAIR2 …] : linked-reads files (paired-ends, 10x Genomics) (interleaved, fasta or fastq)
-X FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 …] : linked-reads files (paired-ends, 10x Genomics) (separate forward and reverse files, fasta or fastq)
-e FLOAT : coverage depth of homozygous region (default auto)
-L INT : maximum fragment length of tag (10x Genomics) (default 200000)
-s INT1 [INT2 …] : mapping seed length for short reads (default 32 64)
-S INT1 [INT2 …] : mapping seed length for long reads (default 20, only effective with -kmer_align option)
-l INT : minimum number of links to scaffold (default 3)
-t INT : number of threads (<= 1, default 1)
-mapper FILE : path of mapper executable file (default, minimap, only effective with -p option)
-minimap2_sensitive : sensitive mode for minimap2 (default, off; only effective with -p option)
-tmp DIR : directory for temporary files (default .)
PREFIX is specified by -o
Options related to run time Although -t (number of threads) of all commands and -m (memory amount) of the “assemble” command are not mandatory to run, it is recommended to set the values adjusting your machine-environment. These options may severely affect the run time.
e.g., Available number of threads and memory amount are 12 and 256GB, respectively. -> -t 12 -m 256
Minimap2 This tool is used to align PacBio/Oxford-Nanopore long reads and included in Platanus-allee package as the directory of “minimap2-2.0-r191”. When long reads are input through the -p option of “phase” and “consensus” commands, please check Minimap2 is installed as “minimap2” command or specify the path of Minimap2 using the -mapper option.
10X linked-reads input Platanus-allee accepts barcoded fastq files, which have the barcode information in name lines (@…) as the “BX:Z:” tags. These files, “barcoded.fastq”, can be generated using the “longranger basic” command of Long Ranger (https://support.10xgenomics.com/genomeexome/software/pipelines/latest/what-is-long-ranger).
longranger basic –fastqs=/raw/fastq/directory –id=your_id –sample=your_sample_name
# Result: your_id/outs/barcoded.fastq.gz -
Paired-end (mate-pair) input
The “phase” and “consensus” accept paired-end and/or mate-pair libraries. Paired libraries are classified into “inward-pair” and “outward-pair” according to the sequence direction. For file formats, separate and interleaved files can be input through -IP (-OP) and -ip (-op) options, respectively.Inward-pair (usually called “paired-end”, accepted in options “-IP” or “-ip”):
FWD ---> 5' -------------------- 3' 3' -------------------- 5' <--- REV
Outward-pair (usually called “mate-pair”, accepted in options “-OP” or “-op”):
---> REV 5' -------------------- 3' 3' -------------------- 5' FWD <---
Example inputs:
Inward-pair (separate, insert=300) : PE300_1.fq PE300_2.fq
Inward-pair (interleaved, insert=500) : PE500_pair.fq
Outward-pair (separate, insert=2k) : MP2k_1.fa MP2k_2.fqCorresponding options:
-IP1 PE300_1_pair.fq PE300_2.fq \
-ip2 PE500_pair.fq \
-OP3 MP2k_1.fq MP2k_2.fq -
Compressed input files Compressed files can be input using the process substitution function (”
<(command)”) of bash/zsh without temporary uncompressed files.e.g.
# Files compressed by gzip
platanus_allee assemble -f <(zcat PE_1.fq.gz) <(zcat PE_2.fq.gz)
# Files compressed by bzip2
platanus_allee assemble -f <(bzcat PE_1.fq.bz2) <(bzcat PE_2.fq.bz2)